Social Track ROI калькулятор

SocTrack - smart invitation links for social networks

Create a custom channel link that helps you learn more about your followers. Collect statistics on clicks and subscriptions, as well as UTM tags and other data for further analysis.

How does it work?

Imagine you have your own Telegram channel and you want to know where your subscribers come from and what actions they take. Usually, if someone follows a channel link and subscribes, you can't pinpoint the source of that link. But we offer you a solution!

Create a smart referral link

Such a link will collect information about conversions and subscriptions. Now, when someone follows this link, you can find out where the new follower came from and when it happened.

Get complete statistics

But what if you're not only interested in the fact of the subscription, but also the source of the conversion? For this, we suggest using UTM tags. With their help, you can track how many times users clicked on the link, when it happened and whether they subscribed.

Flexibility and convenience

UTM tags can be added manually, using a convenient WebApp interface, and they are also automatically generated in various advertising networks. This gives you maximum flexibility when analyzing the performance of your marketing campaigns.

Now you will be able to track and analyze every step of your audience and make more informed decisions for the development of your content and business. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your channel - start using our bot today!


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